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  3. Character name: Riselia Esia Aliases: Silver Lotus/Lunar Blossom/That Bitch Gender: Female Race: Elven Age: 34 Birthplace: Flou Tar-Shei of The Pincers Parentage: Arisha Esia (Mother/deceased); Feo Esia (Father/deceased) Other family: Kyshataria (Younger Sister), Tamiyo (Twin Sister); Kraelyn (Cousin) Appearance: Riselia has brilliantly silver hair, the polar opposite to her twin sister, Tamiyo. She is every ounce of Tamiyo's twin sister in appearance, hair color aside, she will also dye her hair to match her cousin and sisters during down time Personality: Riselia is quiet, but is known for her quick thinking and will not hesitate to act accordingly in situations. Out of all the Lotus members, she is viewed as the most dangerous. Allegiance: House Izrail, House Kazuto, House Sarel, Menaphos Equipment: Unlike the other Lotus Administrators, Riselia uses swords, but has been reported to use claws Goal: Quirks: Language: Strengths: Weaknesses: Background & Social Status:
  4. Character name: Tamiyo Esia Aliases: Golden Lotus; Sibilius Gender: Female Race: Elven Age: 34 Birthplace: Flou Tar-Shei of The Pincers Parentage: Arisha Esia (Mother/deceased); Feo Esia (Father/deceased) Other family: Kyshataria (Younger Sister), Riselia (Twin Sister); Kraelyn (Cousin) Appearance: Personality: Allegiance: Equipment: Goal: Quirks: Language: Strengths: Weaknesses: Background & Social Status:
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